Co ordinated gift bag and tag, so simple

I bought a bundle of brown food bags from the catering supplies shop for Christmas and duly stuck on panels and greetings in red, green and gold. But eighteen months on I still have plenty left, so have decorated a few simply ready to pop gifts in.

I used a stencil panel which fitted the bag front perfectly so used all the patterns rather than re aligning one of them.

I dabbed some distress ink- evergreen bough- on to a craft sheet and rubbed the ink through the stencil with a piece of cheap bathroom ‘sponge’. The back was also stencilled the same way.

The gift card and flower were cut from craft card with the scan n cut, the same distress ink rubbed on the edges of the flower and stamped on the tag. The message is ‘a gift for you’ stamped repeatedly on the diagonal, so it can be used for many occasions.

Distress ink or sepia browns work brilliantly on craft and for more masculine versions I am using rosettes rather than flowers.

Inside is a sheet of tissue paper ready to wrap a goody from the present drawer. Even so this will store almost flat until needed.

Canvas embroidery sampler

I have resurrected an old project and tried out a few new stitches which have reignited my enthusiasm for cross stitch.

The green and white is alternating oblong and cross stitch ( just stitch over an oblong rather than a square to make the oblongs), the grey and pink is layering upright and traditional cross stitch over a double sized square and the maroon is gobelin.

if you are interested,  graphics below,

I am working on a giant roll of canvas so have set myself a target of 100  stitch or colour variations, about 90 to go!

Glass leading

Decra  led   self adhesive strips were great for this faux stained glass door panel

but what to do with the left overs?

I jave been upcycling glass bottles and jars aplenty. in this case a simple coffee jar with a good seal in the lid

looks great with the panels painted with left over glass paint but not for food containers as it warps ones expectations of the contents. Blue sugar anyone? Painted glass best for Epsom salts or potpourri storage.

particularly good for up cycling (white) wine bottles to hold our home made vinegars, sorry I gave them away before I remembered to photograph them.

so to use up the rest of the packs I am off to the charity shop tomorrow to titivate a couple of vases.

Father’s Day card

Docrafts adhesive cork and patterned paper, scan n cut letters plus petrol blue matting card finished with tool style brads and an inevitable dash of wink of Stella .

Happy Father’s Day on the inside but now (years into card making) I realize that just for you on the outside means a personalized message on the insert can be added at the mast minute.  Off to make some manly stash cards!

Ribbon scrap tidy and dispenser

a simple way to organize the sack of ribbon scraps…

materials: 1 A4 sheet cardstock (I used craft card), scissors, strong tape or glue, hole punch Washi tape to close and decorate


score and fold card into toblerone shape – I scored at 6.5, 13 and 19cm then turned the card and scored at 4 cm from either side

i then cut up the 4cm score lines, trimmed and wedged the flaps created to make triangles as shown

I then hole punched 14 holes (enough to squeeze in different scraps of ribbons, if it will wrap round an A6 card, I keep it). I only have an office ring binder punch so was limited to punch near a score line but the holes can be wherever you want). Then form the toblerone shape and stick the overlapping triangles together. I used red liner tape.

Poke ends of ribbon through the holes from inside to out, a crochet hook works well, and when your holder is full secure it closed with washi tape so you can top it up some time in the future without destroying the box

just a few more to make before I get the ribbon stash under control!

if decorated this would make a nice little gift for a crafty friend…