Rosemary harvest ideas

What to do with all this rosemary? Ideas to date:

Rosemary and tomato salt, includes dehydrated tomato skins to give pretty red flecks in the final mix

Rosemary oil from cold marinaded olive oil to be gifted in pretty bottles for foodie friends to enjoy

Still marinading three weeks on, the hopefully flavoured oil is nearly ready for straining and bottling

Rosemary facial toner from simmering sprigs in water and then diluting the strained result in apple cider vinegar

Mini envelopes

I made a stack of these for advent ‘calendar’ bunting. I used squares of 15 cm lightweight paper (and half A4 sheets of magazine papers), scissors and glue. That’s it.

With pretty side face down fold 1 cm in from the right, then 1 cm in from the bottom then bring the left side over to the (folded) right edge and crease, then finally fold down 3 cm from the top.

Unfold and cut along the crease lines. Chamfer (angle off) the edges as shown.

Glue the pretty sides of the two 1cm remaining tabs. this leaves the top flap open until filled when it can be stuck down or tucked in

These pockets are great for little gifts or gift cards and can hung on a tree or sewn into bunting. Halloween versions are fast and an advent series could be hand numbered and pegged on a string.